Far from solid land, nothing but quicksand.
This sand is dense, afraid I’ve lost all sense.
A black hole, here to take my soul.
Truly exhausted I just want to sleep, It’s all too deep.
Why me? Why now? Why couldn’t I see it coming somehow?
Why does the dark pursue me? It’s like a scary movie.
I’m the head cast, sinking fast, don’t see how I’ll last.
My eyes are burning, my stomach turning.
I can’t see anymore. God, please open another door!
I’m begging you, please. Though, it’s love I’ve been yearning, I am learning.
You must have better in store……
Or is there really no cure? No love pure?
Why hasn’t anyone found me, aren’t they looking for me?
This pain so profound, I don’t think I’ll ever be found. Maybe I’m meant to be underground.
One lifeline, that’s all I need. God, please! I promise to let you lead.
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