Years Uncovered is a self-reflection website

I have found great comfort in meeting pen to paper over the years. I’ve just never shared any of it with the world, till now…

Jessica Dawn

Self-reflection is not an easy thing to do. It hurts you while it heals you. You feel everything all over again. I unfortunately, have always held things in. Never letting go of enough. Bottled up inside are so many emotions I refused to acknowledge. And too many words I just never said. So here it is. Completely raw and uncut. I have to get it all out so I can heal properly. No amount of judgement will stop me anymore. I’ve always been too worried about what other people think of me. Truth is, it doesn’t matter. I only have one judge. So, telling it all to the world may seem a bit dramatic, but go big or go home, right? I can’t back out this way. You never know, maybe reading my life can somehow help you in yours. Feel free to reach out at [email protected]. Here’s to a blessed journey ahead.

Some things you read on here I wrote years ago. Other things are currently being written. All based on my real life.


Not your typical read. Just my thoughts all free. My memories kind of jump around. It’s easier for me, this way, I’ve found. How blessed I am to write my biography on my own. Commonly, one is summarized in an obituary after you’re called home. Sad, I know. Still, it’s true though. I had to write one for my sister two years back. Man, my thoughts were hard to keep on track. Thousands of tears took hold. But it turned out ok, or so I was told. Hopefully, whoever has to write mine knows me well. Or for them it’ll definitely be hell. I don’t let many people in. These walls sure aren’t thin. Short and sweet, nice and neat.

Hmm, how would my obituary read? “Wow, she was a rare breed!” It certainly wouldn’t say anything magnificent, that I can assure you. Married and divorced twice. Yep, rolled that dice. I never thought it would’ve turned out this way. Not much more left to say. I’ve been heart broken, so many times. Always falling for that “I love you” line. I’m ashamed of these failures. They play in my mind like movie trailers. Over and over, they play. No matter the day. Nothing makes them stop, if only the bad parts I could crop.

I wonder if I haven’t just lived life all wrong. Maybe, I should write a country song. Went to homecoming with no date, I didn’t even stay out late. Prom never happened, and high school is a blur. Pregnant at 17, and I didn’t get to keep her. High school graduation, with no celebration. Got my license at 20, not sure why the hesitation. No wedding reception or dress. No friends and family wishing us the best. Two babies out of wedlock, not sure anyone was shocked.

If my mom ever reads this, she’ll probably think I hated my life. I was happy though in my day-to-day, no strife. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much about my childhood. But I know my mom did the best she could. I do remember the house we grew up in, my sisters and I. Leaving there was a tough goodbye. My older sister got the porch light from above the front door. I got the old metal pencil sharpener from the basement core. Mom picked a good house to make our home, in a safe neighborhood we could roam. Rode my bike around for hours. Walked through the back field picking flowers. Weeded the garden for the lady down the street. She’d tell me stories and bring me lemonade, real sweet. My first job, I thought it was so cool. Couldn’t wait to go there after school. She left me a framed picture of dried and pressed flowers she’d made. That’s a memory I’d never want to trade.

Check out the Blogs below to fill in some of the missing pieces……